You must be logged in as one of the following to register for this event: authenticated user, administrator, faculty, staff

This is a new self-paced introduction training to Administrative Pages (Banner 9) in Canvas!
During this introductory online course, you will learn the basics of Administrative Pages, like how to get access, navigating forms, understanding naming conventions and the “Req to Check” process.
Important Note: This online course is now a pre-requisite for all Banner 9 Administrative Pages training sessions. Users must complete this training prior to enrolling in any other Administrative Pages (Banner 9) training sessions.
For more information about this training and other IRT trainings, please contact Sheena Pierce at 856-256-4179 or
Who should take this training?
If your job responsiblities are:
- Placing orders for your department
- Managing/reviewing a budget
- Receiving orders for your department
- Making budget transfers
Also, if you are new to Administrative Pages (Banner 9), then this is the training for you!
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